Having run an Instructional Coaching programme since 2018, and having worked with Steplab since its inception, we are delighted that William Perkin CofE High School has now been recognised as a national centre of excellence in Professional Development and the use of Instructional Coaching for teachers to improve teaching and learning.

Our Trust vision is rooted in our 10:10 ethic which informs our school practices. We believe that we all have gifts which can be developed for the good of others, that we also all have areas of weakness in which we can be supported to improve, and that we all have a valuable place in our community. We believe in the principle that we are all developing teachers. This means that as teacher we are reflective about our strengths and about the areas in which we would like to develop and are proactive about working with others to constantly improve our practice. Instructional Coaching supports this culture of self-reflection and self-improvement. It allows the small elements of teaching and learning to be improved immediately and easily.

Being a Steplab Coaching Hub means that we’ll be opening our doors each term for school leaders who want to learn about Instructional Coaching, Steplab and implementation. We’ll be offering them the chance to see how we’ve aligned our wider professional development programme with coaching in order to drive progress in our development priority areas each year. Our 2024 Coaching Hub dates are:

  • Friday 25th October
  • Friday 28th March
  • Friday 16th May

Whether you are a current Steplab user or are just interested in Instructional Coaching and effective professional development, we’d love to welcome you.

Want to know more? https://steplab.co/resources/news/BPx36pab/Steplab-Coaching-Hubs